Quarterly meetings
Tutor: Julia Ashman £30 Day Mondays 10 am – 3:30 pm
2025 – 14 April, 28 July, 27 October 2026 – 5 January All levels welcome
We’re bringing Machine Embroidery to Sew and Sos!
This is the first of a series of regular, quarterly(ish), meet ups for Machine Embroiderers to get together, discuss their projects and share ideas. Those who aren’t sure what it’s all about are welcome too or, if you’ve got an embroidery machine but never really been sure where to start, we can help you figure it all out.
Julia Ashman will be attending to help with advice on hooping, stabiliser, threads and design placement, (or just to translate what all of that actually means). She will also bring some projects to demonstrate. Do you need help with software, have issues with downloading patterns to your machine or need help re-sizing patterns, or anything to do with your